Saturday, September 22, 2007

Moon Patrol

I've found that it's kind of tricky to get good shots of the moon. Here are a collection of opinions on the best ways to tackle it:

Here's one flickr member's advice:

"Remember that even though you're shooting while in the dark, the moon is directly illuminated by the sun. Therefore, the sunny-16 rule is not a bad place to start (e.g., ISO 100, f/16 @ 1/100). The metering tips above are good if you have the focal length to spotmeter it." -- flickr member MJM

Also, here is PopPhoto's advice:
"Moony 11, 8, and 5.6 rules
There are many different rules that work well when shooting the moon. One favorite for a proper exposure of a full moon is f/11 at one over the ISO setting. For pictures of a half moon, use the same shutter speed at f/8, and for a quarter moon, use the same shutter speed at f/5.6."
Quoted from

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