Friday, September 21, 2007

50mm 1.4 shallow depth of field example

Following the last post about the 50mm 1.4 bokeh examples, I thought I'd show this example of how fun (and also sort of dangerous) an aperture of 1.4 can be. The depth of field is so shallow, that as you can see below one battery is in perfect focus and the other one that is sitting less than an inch in front of it is out of focus. It really allows you to hone in on the subject you want to emphasize, in a pretty dramatic way.

Earlier I said "also sort of dangerous", and by that I just mean that it's often hard to tell in the viewfinder or lcd what parts of the image are in focus and which aren't. So if you're taking a photo of a person's face at 1.4, you can easily end up with shots where the person's eyes are out of focus and their nose is in focus. Probably not the desired effect. You just have to be more careful and precise about where you focus.

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